

  • Thursdays 20:30-21:45 - Restorative Yoga @Yoga Spot Amsterdam

Check the Yoga Spot website for more info, dates and times. Classes can also be booked through ClassPass and Onefit.

The Art of Relaxation

These slower forms of yoga can have a very positive balancing effect on your life if you feel the need to slow down. Especially if you are often stuck in your head, always on the go, find it difficult to relax or experience a lot of stress and fatigue.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a more meditative and slower style of yoga where you stay in each pose for 3-5 minutes. The focus of this practice is on deep stretching to create more space in your body, release tension and support healthier joints. By focusing on the breath and staying still you enable your entire system to slow down and relax. Yin yoga is an invitation to turn inwards and to become aware of your body, mind and emotions.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga aims at resting and restoring by staying longer in poses using props (cushions, bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets). This allows your body to feel supported, to let go of action and initiate its own natural healing response. This practice is a great form of active relaxation and very helpful in cases of stress, fatigue, injury, pregnancy etc. In other words, when your body is in need of rest and recovery.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra translates into “yogic sleep” and is a guided meditation to bring you to a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Laying down in a comfortable position you are guided on a meditative journey through your different levels of being to reach a deeper state of consciousness. The effect is deep relaxation and is often described as “a great power nap”. Yoga Nidra can be very transformative and deeply healing.