ASH You Are values your privacy and holds some of your personal data. This document outlines how that information is used and who I may share that information with. This Privacy Policy is in line with the purposes of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and was last reviewed in July 2021.

Collected Personal Data

I may collect personal data from you that you provide by filling out the contact form on my website or by corresponding with me by phone, e-mail or otherwise. The information you provide may include your name, address, e-mail address and phone number.

You have choices when it comes to the data you share. When I ask you to provide personal data, you can decline.

How I Use Personal Data

ASH You Are uses and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To respond to and fulfill your request when you contact me.

  • When we are working together, I will collect your personal information through a contract that you will fill out and sign. This agreement will only be stored for administrative purposes and for the ICF (International Coaching Federation) Client Log.

  • To send you an invoice.

  • To inform you about changes to my services.

  • To use your personal data where there is an overriding public interest in using information e.g. in order to safeguard an individual, or to prevent a serious crime.

Sharing of Personal Information

I will keep information about you confidential. Your personal data will not be shared with any third party or organisation other than for administrative purposes to run this business, fulfilling the requirements of our agreement or to comply with a legal obligation. Administrative purposes will be the ICF Client Log for internal administration, ICF certification, and financial administration.

Your Rights

Under GDPR, you may request to access, update, correct, delete your personal information. You also have the right to object to direct marketing and to request a copy of data held that can identify you.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Any changes I make to this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail.

Contact Details

Questions and requests related to this Privacy Policy may be addressed to