Depending on your needs and goals, we determine the amount of sessions we will spend together. To give you an idea, a coaching programme devoted to one topic often spans 6 sessions spread out over at least 3 months. We can always discuss an extension of sessions beyond the initial agreement. During our first meeting we discuss the amount, frequency and length of sessions that is appropriate for you.

Private clients (you pay yourself)*

30 mins chemistry session: free

60 mins session: 90 euros

90 mins session: 120 euros

* If your financial situation does not allow you to pay this rate, we can discuss a reduced rate.

Business clients (your employer pays)

Employers often have a training and development budget for employees. If you can expense your coaching sessions at work or if I invoice your employer directly, the following fees apply:

30 mins chemistry session: free

60 mins session: 120 euros

90 mins session: 180 euros