“As a starting entrepreneur, I struggled with my work-life balance. My business was doing well, I had interesting and challenging cases and my client base was growing. At the same time, I wanted to be there for my family and loved ones. However, I was experiencing an imbalance, partly due to the vague division between work and private life. I did not know how to deal with the situation and well-intended advice such as “take it easy” or “work is not everything” was of no use to me. Until someone gave me Sabine's contact details.

During the introductory session, we made a list of goals that I wanted to achieve in coaching. Sabine listened carefully to my story, asked accurate questions and was able to extract the key points from my long stories about various subjects. At the end of the introductory session, I already knew what to expect and what we would be working on in the coming sessions.

Within 9 sessions I had learned so much and made such progress that I thanked Sabine several times through various channels for what she had meant to me. She is very intelligent and open-minded, she has a strong empathic capacity and above all a warm personality. Sabine is a great professional and at the same time during all those sessions I had the feeling that I had known her all my life: she does not lose sight of the professional aspect (her work as a coach) and yet she is very warm. You feel like you can share everything with her.”

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