“Sabine has helped me gain actionable insights that translate into higher productivity and a less stressful process in achieving the personal and professional goals I set with her.

In early 2020 I was introduced to Sabine and after a positive ‘chemistry session’ we agreed on six 90-minute coaching sessions, held fortnightly together. It was my first-ever coaching experience and as someone who likes data, process and efficiency I was somewhat sceptical towards the concept of coaching. “If you’re just going to ask me questions, isn’t it more efficient if I ask those myself - in my head?” I thought.

I’m pleased to report that my experience over the months that followed turned me from a skeptic to a fan.

Sabine is a visual thinker. This quality in combination with her exceptional listening skills allowed her to identify certain (subconscious) thought and behavioural patterns I was stuck in and reframe them in a new light. This in turn helped me to take action before getting stuck in old patterns of procrastination and discontentment.

In the process I felt Sabine always kept a strong gauge on which methods worked for me and which didn’t. I felt she was never stepping through a predefined set of motions, but instead always worked hard to deliver a customized coaching journey. She is strong in setting clear goals at the start, and maintaining structure throughout the process to ensure we were effectively working towards those goals. Her calm and composed demeanor always made for pleasant sessions, even when less pleasant topics had to be discussed. In addition she has throughout the process provided me with sufficient exercises, books, videos and other content that allowed me to proactively work towards improvement between our sessions.

Looking back I can confidently say I’ve seen measurable improvement towards the goals I set with her. I would recommend Sabine as a coach to anyone looking for lasting self-improvement.” 

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